Saturday, August 11, 2012

Crossfit Sydney

As a part of my Study Abroad, I participated in a sport while down under.  The program did not offer football, basketball, or baseball.  I was a little surprised the program did not offer the latter two sports, since both of the sports are gaining in popularity in Australia.  However, strength and conditioning was offered.  I took that “sport” as an opportunity to stay fit.  Previous Study Abroad students trained at Olympic Park for strength and conditioning.  I was not as lucky.
Instead, I trained at Crossfit Sydney.  Every day after class, from around 1-2PM, I trained in this hole-in-the-wall of a place.  It was a nice place, with a training area smaller than IM West’s workout room.  The training programs were individualized based on one’s ability.  Crossfit was located in a secluded area of town, in which I had to take the subway and walk for 15 minutes to get to the location.  Before going to this place, I did not realize the United States had Crossfit.
The workouts used multiple muscle groups within a set of exercises.  The warm-ups would tend to take around five minutes, with a stretch around five minutes.  The meat of the workout required the participant to go from one exercise to the next (usually three exercises, with a certain number of repetitions for three or four sets per exercise).  The final part of the workout, just before the cool-down, would typically be a timed workout.  These timed workouts either included a set time for as many repetitions as possible or a set number of repetitions as fast as one can.  After the workouts, I did feel the burn of my muscles.  But, I would be more winded from the workout.  As a whole, I enjoyed the more plyometric-based workouts because I tend to do these types of workouts back home.

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