Monday, June 11, 2012

Christchurch, New Zealand

I only had an afternoon and evening in Christchurch before my 9 day trip.  The town succumbed to a 6.3 magnitude earthquake that was 10 km below the surface within the past year, which ruined many of the buildings within the central district.  The central district had the majority of shops, restaurants, and overall nightlife of Christchurch.  When I explored the area around me, I came across a particular loud noise.  It turned out to be a rugby match between two local teams.  
I did go to see a part of a rugby game.  Even though I did not know the rules, the game was similar to football.  The game was a challenge to understand the particular fouls and scoring.  One of my tour guides later remarked that the stadium that I was at (AMI stadium) was constructed from partial bleachers.  The earthquake destroyed the old stadium beyond the ability to continue using it.  
Despite the start to my trip, I still feel there is more to see in beautiful New Zealand.

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