Monday, June 25, 2012

Lake Ohau

Before arriving at Lake Ohau, the group visited a fruit stand.  The fruit stand included many fruit that can be found back home from apples to oranges to bananas.  Some of the fruit that is pure New Zealand included the kiwi and feijoa.  Feijoa was a fruit similar to the kiwi, with a different taste.
            The area we drove through included many vineyards, which was the southernmost wine-making valley in all of New Zealand.  This area reminded me way too much of southwest Michigan.  The rolling hills were also pretty.
            When we arrived at Lake Ohao, we walked alongside the rocky lake.  The scenery was still terrific, especially when the sun set over the mountains.  That also gave us the opportunity to see Mt. Cook, the highest point in all of New Zealand.  If we had a cloudless day at Fox Glacier, the group would have been able to see the tall mountain.
            Dinner once again was wonderful, with the main dish of lasagna.  Salad and bread helped complement the dish, along with some fruit.  The apple and feijoa crumble was also good.
            After dinner, some of us sat down to watch the New Zealand All Blacks play against Ireland in Rugby.  The All Blacks team was coming off of a Rugby Cup World Championship and a change in coach, but soundly beat the Irish.  I still do not know everything about Rugby, but sitting down and watching an entire game helped me understand the rules of it.  Craig, our bus driver and tour guide, helped explain different elements of the game. 

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